Yoni Steaming: Everything You Need to Know

What is Yoni Steaming?

The word Yoni literally means "Sacred Place." Yoni steaming is a vaginal steam that helps women to reconnect to their body and heal or regulate their cycle. It has been around for centuries but has recently started to resurface as more and more people turn to natural or alternative medicine. It is a form of plant medicine and may be able to help those who have been disappointed or let down by modern medicine when it comes to healing things like:

  • Pain, bloating, and fatigue during menstruation
  • Heavy menstrual flow (some women have also reported decreased dark purple or brown blood at the beginning and end of a period)
  • Irregular cycles or absent menstrual cycles
  • Infertility
  • Reduces uterine fibroids
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine Weakness 
  • Uterine Prolapse
  • Release of blood clots
  • Dryness and pain during intercourse due to menopause
  • Heals and tones reproductive system after birth 
  • Heals tears and episiotomies more quickly
  • Heals hemorrhoids 
  • Chronic vaginal infections or yeast infections
  • Helps maintain healthy odor 
  • Detoxifies womb
  • Removes toxins from the body 
  • Helps you to connect with yourself and your body
The list goes on and on and on...

How Does This Happen?

When understanding how steaming can help, it is important to first understand where the issue may be stemming from. Often infertility and issues with your monthly cycle can be due to excess build up of the uterine lining that was not shed in previous cycles. Because of this excess build up, the uterus and muscles surrounding the uterus have to try very hard to shed this lining causing pain and fatigue. 

Yoni steams are able to aid in removal of this lining and at a faster pace through warm steam and medicinal plant oils. The steam penetrates the exterior tissues of the vagina which increases circulation. Also, because this tissue is very porous, this allows the bloodstream to pick up the plant oils and carry them into the reproductive system which includes the uterus. This is where the magic happens. The medicinal plant oils then go to work cleaning and releasing the built up lining which allows easier, pain free cycle and also helps eggs to implant. 

Different Blends

Our shop personally carries different blends of yoni steams because different herbs have different healing abilities. Make sure all herbs used are organic or even home grown.  Below is a list of herbs and what they can help with. 
  • Motherwort: Reduces fatigue, reduces cramps, increases relaxation
  • Mugwort: Suppressed menses
  • Basil: Uterine stimulant
  • Rosemary: Increase circulation to reproductive organs
  • Calendula: Cleansing and inflamation
  • Chamomile: Soothing
  • Raspberry Leaf: Strengthens and tones, relaxes uterine and pelvic muscles
  • Red Rose Petals: Cooling astringent
  • Sage: Spiritually cleaning and an astringent 
  • Lavender: Antiseptic, antispasmodic, and soothing
  • Comfrey: Healing and soothing
  • Yarrow: Antibacterial, cleansing, astringent

How Often Should You Steam?

It may take up to three months to see results. Yoni steaming is most effective when used 2-3 times a week. It is important that you do NOT steam while actively bleeding as steaming can increase blood flow and therefore cause heavy bleeding. It is best to steam before and after menses to aid in the natural cleansing process. Also do not steam while pregnant because steaming relaxes and opens the cervix which can result in early labor or even miscarriage. If steaming in an effort to increase your chances of conception, steam after your period until ovulation. Do not steam after insemination (natural or otherwise) as steaming during this crucial time can interfere with fertilization, sperm, or implantation. 


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